The first Filipina guru that I truly adore is Aubrey aka faffinettex3. Unfortunately, her You Tube account was hacked twice so all of her videos has been deleted but because of her positive attitude, she still made new videos. I wish she will make more videos because she haven't been making lots of vids.
The next is Jen aka JLovesMac1, I know at first you will think she's a crazy girl like an OA type because that's what I thought of her at first but after watching all her vids, I love her bubbly personality and how crazy she is. Not boring to watch and you get good make up techniques.
Michelle Phan, oh how I love her voice. It's like music to my ears. When I watch her videos, it relaxes me. She recently got her dream job with Lancome. She really give great beauty tips.
My last but of course not the least make up guru or she's more like a review guru (?) Irene aka pinkiecharm. This woman has got great and honest reviews on beauty products. I love how funny she gets and how true she is. Recently I requested her to do a review on MAC Fix+ vs Evian Face Spray. And guess what? She was kind enough to reply and she said she will. You can ask her to review on a product before you purchase them. She's such a nice person. Saving other girls from wasting hard earned cash, before buying something you end up not liking, she will save you from that. At the economy's state right now, she's a go to review guru.